I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you about the International Women Fly Fishers.
IWFF is the first and only international women’s fly-fishing club. Founded by Fanny Krieger and the Golden West Flyfishers of San Francisco, CA, it is a non-profit organization that has grown to some 300 women members — and a few very supportive men — since we were founded in 1996.
The International Women Fly Fishers publishes a quarterly newsletter for women anglers and has created a website with online support for women’s fly-fishing clubs and now -- the IWFFTalk, a managed chat facility for “talking” to women fly fishers around the world! We hold regional Rendez-vous where women anglers can meet other anglers beyond their immediate area, learn new fishing waters, and make new fishing friendships. We list over 40 women’s fly fishing clubs around the world with contact information, and updated club activities. We are building a list of women fly fishing guides and business owners. In short, we plan to become the major resource of information for women anglers. Our major annual event is our fall Festival: for three days, fly-fishing sister anglers gather from across the country and around the world to fish together, hear famous anglers on their favorite topics, have hands-on sessions to improve skills in casting, fishing techniques, fly tying and knot tying, and learn even more about the sport we love. Festivals are held in wonderful locations where your entire family is welcomed.
So far, we have met on both coasts and in between — from Baja California, Mexico and San Francisco; to Sun Valley, Idaho; Stratton, Vermont; Stuart, Florida; back west to San Diego, CA; to South Padre Island, Texas and the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. This year, 2005, we will meet in the resort of Lake Tahoe, CA, for our 10th Anniversary celebration.
Annual dues are $25 discounted to $15.00 for those 18 and younger. As a member, you’ll receive a membership roster which you will find useful in networking fishing and club information. If you are thinking of starting a women’s fly-fishing club — or your club is having growing pains — we can help by putting you in contact with others who have been there. Bottom line: we are dedicated to helping women enjoy this wonderful sport.
Sincerely yours,